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What is ASI? (information provided by Action Shooting International®)

ASI was started as a "non-competitive" alternative to the United States Practical Pistol Association (USPSA) and the International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA) sports.

ASI is a very social program that emphasizes safety, skill-building, camaraderie, and fun for shooters who are not interested in or are not qualified to participate in competitive action shooting sports like USPSA and IDPA. For more experienced shooters, it acts as a "farm team" for IDPA and USPSA.

ASI licenses the program to ranges, trains the staff (providing comprehensive ASI Range Officer training), and provides all the program materials, stage designs, scoring software, and online membership forums before handing it over to the range. Shooting an ASI match requires an ASI Membership. When non-members come to a match, they can sign up for a choice of memberships, including a 90-day ASI Temporary Membership. Temporary Membership is available as a one-time offer to allow participation in ASI matches from one to 90 days. It is offered to individuals who have not previously participated in an ASI match and have not had a previous ASI Membership. 90-Day Temporary Memberships are not renewable. ASI membership is required to adhere to the range’s Liability Policy. It also allows you to shoot at any ASI match at any ASI-licensed range offering the program. There is no charge for Temporary Membership. ASI’s membership software provider keeps track of Temporary Memberships and will contact you when the 90 days approach. At that time, if you would like to continue participating in the ASI program, you can choose to formally join. Multiple ranges host ASI matches, and ASI currently has over 900 members in multiple states.

In addition to "non-competitors," we have found that the program is attracting many women shooters, older shooters, and shooters with disabilities—many who have aged out or injured out of IDPA or USPSA (they do just fine with the extremely “simple” ASI rules). It provides a fun and exciting opportunity for shooters who have only been able to shoot in a lane and love the opportunity for movement, scenarios, and props. We are also getting current IDPA and USPSA shooters who come just for fun and trigger time.

ASI’s founders include the past Associate Editor of “Front Sight” for the USPSA HQ, a USPSA Area Coordinator/IDPA Multi-State Coordinator, and an NRA instructor and shooting sports coordinator for years in the IDPA and USPSA programs. The founders were all long-term USPSA and IDPA participants who wanted something to address a larger audience of firearm owners (our friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, and significant others—who would never consider the high levels of competition of the other sports).

Check out Dillon Blue Press, which has published several articles on ASI over the last couple of years and is a big supporter. 

When are the Events?
ASI matches allow new pistol shooters, pistol owners, and concealed carry permit holders to have fun with the ACTION SHOOTING INTERNATIONAL® program. ASI provides an opportunity for pistol owners to shoot under the direction of highly experienced Range Officers in a new and fun way. Thorough safety instruction and supervision are provided. There are ranges around Puget Sound that provide ASI matches almost every weekend, year-round. Many are on Saturdays. Some are on weekday and weekend evenings at indoor ranges.

When do the Snoqualmie Rifle Club matches take place? (Information Provided by Snoqualmie Rifle Club)
The 3rd Saturday of each month. The range is available exclusively for ASI matches and closed for other activities from 8:30 am to 1:00 - 1:30 pm.

Schedule for the event:

  • Setup: 8:00am
  • Registration: 9:15am
  • Shooting: 10:00am
  • Wrap-up: 1:00pm

Typical “courses of fire” include:

  • Movement from one shooting position to the next
  • Multiple targets in each array
  • Shooting around doors, through “windows”, around barricades, and various types of “cover”
  • A shooting experience that is very different from target shooting

What is required to participate?

  • A “safe” .380, .38, .22, 9mm, .40, or .45 handgun. A revolver or semi-automatic. The Range Officers will approve the gun to be used.
  • 50 rounds of ammo (bring an extra box of ammo just in case)
  • A holster may be used if you have one and have been approved by the Match Director to draw from a holster. If not, your course of fire can start from a table, drawer, or with the gun already in your hand at low ready.
  • We recommend that you have two magazines or speed loaders. Magazine pouches will be a benefit if you have them. Reloading with a magazine or speed loader from your pocket is allowed – no reloading with loose rounds.
  • Guns must be either in a holster or in a gun rug. Guns can only be accessed on a stage under the direction of a Range Officer.
  • There are designated SAFETY AREAS where a gun can be taken out of a range bag or gun rug, and holstered - or perhaps worked on - loaded guns are not allowed in a Safety Area.
  • NO AMMUNITION OR MAGAZINES are allowed in a Safety Area other than those being worn in mag pouches or speed loader holders. They cannot be touched in a Safety Area.
  • Guns cannot have a magazine inserted or contain ammo until you are on a stage and under the direction of a Range Officer.
  • Eye and ear protection
  • Active ASI Membership

Participants will have a chance to shoot four “stages of fire” (see example). Participants are scored based on elapsed time and accuracy.

While experienced competitors are welcome, ASI matches are not designed for them. ASI matches cater to shooters with limited to no experience in Action Shooting. Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, non-intimidating event for shooters of all skill levels.

ASI provides an opportunity for new shooters to get a more relaxed glimpse into what the action shooting sports and/or the “gun schools” (such as Front Sight and Gunsite) teach – but without the high intensity. You don't need to be an athlete to shoot ASI events – just be safe and have fun!

Who should I contact for more information?

Jon Odell
SVRC ASI Coordinator and Range Officer

US Headquarters
Action Shooting International
20208 23rd Avenue NW Suite 100
Shoreline, WA 98177

Action Shooting International®