Copyright © Snoqualmie Valley Rifle Club  |  All Rights Reserved


Welcome to the Snoqualmie Valley Rifle Club Website

SVRC is an NRA Affiliate.

The Snoqualmie Valley Rifle Club (SVRC) is a 75-year-old private club that supports shooting sports and gun safety education.  The Club is supported by its membership and provides a private, members only facility in the Snoqualmie Valley that is an outdoor shooting experience.  Members can shoot at the facility during operating hours, generally rain or shine as the benches are covered.  The SVRC range is member managed and uses both members and RSO's to ensure a safe, friendly environment.  The club is open to new members who are dedicated shooting enthusiasts, willing to devote time and energy to supporting the range and the club.  SVRC supports several shooting disciplines for members and the public.  We are an NRA affiliate range!

Member announcements!

The Junior Program 2025 Season Begins 04/17 

The Junior Program will run every Thursday evening from 04/17 through 08/28, from 5:00 to 7:00 pm.  All youth ages 10 to 18 are welcome to join.  SVRC membership is NOT required, so tell your friends!  All rifles, ammo and equipment are provided (kids are welcome to bring their own eyes and ears).  There is no cost and no pre-registration, just come to the range to participate.  

Questions?  Email  

Work Party schedule is posted.  Reminder that SVCR Membership requires a 4-hour commitment to a work party. We NEED members to attend work parties!!  See volunteer opportunities page for more details. Please Bring Gravel Rakes,  shovels, wheelbarrow, brooms, gas powered weed trimers, weed eaters, small branch cutters etc. 

All discipline events on the club calendar have control of the range.  The range is closed during a discipline event with the exception of NRL22, where the pistol range is open but under control of NRL22.

See classes page for new basic gun safety class for club members only!

​New Range Safety Officer training class - see RSO page for details. 


  • Please clean up after yourselves when you leave the range.
  • If you're the last one out, please remember to turn off all the lights, lock the shed and the front gate as you leave.
  • And most important of all: Be safe and have fun!​​​

Title of the document

SVRC - Realtime Weather


M-F: 7am-9pm / Sat, Sun & Holidays: 9am-9pm
Range hours may vary due to events.  See Club Calendar!

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